Welcome to FC Sparta
Our Committee Members
Secretary - Peter Lappin - 07531501683 - peterlappin2011@gmail.com
Welfare Officer & Treasurer - Frank Rowe - 07714 934464 - frankrowe1950@icloud.com
Welfare Officer - Jamie Douglas - 07808 206654 - jaime.douglas1991@hotmail.com
Chairman - John Watts - 07738054363 - wattsjohn22@gmail.com
Vice Chairman - Mark Scott - 07756 711300 - mark@msplasteringservices.com
Other Coaches - Paul Andison & Kev Moore
Please see attached our Club rules, policies and procedures.
If you are worried about a child at our club, it’s vital you report your concerns.
There are five ways report a concern:
To our club welfare officer - Frank Rowe or Jamie Douglas
To our County Northumberland FA Designated Safeguarding Officer found on the NFA Website
By emailing The FA Safeguarding Team at safeguarding@TheFA.com;
If urgent and you cannot contact your club, league or County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer, you can contact the NSPCC Helpline for expert advice and support on 0808 800 5000 or help@nspcc.org.uk;
If it is an emergency because a child or children are at immediate risk, then call the Police or Children’s Social Care in your area.